At-Home Recipes to Soothe Sunburned Summer Skin
While the sun has been a little sporadic in gracing us with its presence this summer, that doesn’t mean those rays aren’t powerful enough to give you a little color, and for some, a little burn. As strong advocates of melanoma awareness, we hope you’re remembering to protect your skin with sunscreen on a daily basis, no matter what the season or how sunny it is, but we also know that sometimes an uncomfortable sunburn can unexpectedly creep up on you. For those days, here are some DIY recipes to soothe your skin from David Parker, co-founder and “cosmetic chef” of The Body Deli, a fresh, raw and organic skincare store based in Palm Desert, California.
Sun Worshiper Bath
Try this soothing, homemade bath solution to remove the burn from your sunburn:
2 cups colloidal oatmeal (or regular old instant oats, ground up in a blender)
1 cup baking soda
3 cups buttermilk (you can make this at home by adding 2 tbsp of vinegar to every 1 cup of milk)
Draw a warm/room-temperature bath and mix in the above concoction. Place a towel behind your neck (and even some cucumbers on your eyes) and rehab your body from your day at the beach.
Cider Rescue Remedy
This simple remedy will help take away some of that sunburn sting: Just apply undiluted apple cider vinegar to the burned area with a cotton ball, or use a compress to soothe larger areas.
Soothing Sun Tonic
¼ cup dried milk
1 tbsp sea salt
2 cups water
Combine the above ingredients and apply with a cotton ball every hour. This will help to draw out heat and reduce the chance of skin peeling.
Do you have any at-home remedies to soothe sunburns? Share them with us!