Brazilan Bikini Wax: What to Know before You Go Bare
- Published: Thursday, August 10th 2017
- in Beauty

A Brazilian wax is not for the modest. You will be naked and you will be in odd positions. However, there’s no denying being bare is not just a craze any longer, but even the norm nowadays. Waxing is in the vaginal area. While this might be uncomfortable the first time, don’t worry it does get easier with time.
Strike up a conversation with your waxer to understand how long she’s been procuring waxes. This will make it a little more comfortable for you and possibly easier for her as well. Give her insight as to whether you have sensitive skin, skin allergies and have had other waxes before.
How to prepare:
- Always ask how long you need to have your hair. Normally the request is 1 inch, equivalent to a grain of rice, but do ask anyway.
- The first time will be more uncomfortable than any other time afterwards.
- Hair grows in cycles so try not to shave for a bit before you go so all the hair patterns align.
- Ask about the wax. Is it a sugar wax, a vegetable wax option or is it hot wax? Hot wax is exactly that and requires a strip for hair removal. Vegetable wax dries cool on the skin and is then pulled off. Sugaring is similar to vegetable wax.
- Like everything else, just remember the first time will take a little longer just because it’s the first time.
After the wax:
- Avoid hot baths, steams and even hot yoga. It will take a little while for the hot follicles to close so these types of environments encourage bacteria.
- Be wary of ingrown hairs so you might want to practice exfoliation.
- Expect to wait 4-6 weeks for your next session.
Ask questions before you go to ensure you receive the best wax possible for the season.