How-Tuesday: DIY Perfect Aloe All-Natural Shaving Cream
- Published: Tuesday, June 18th 2013
- in Beauty

Shaving is a necessary evil of summertime and for people with sensitive skin the frequency of summertime shaving sessions can leave you with bumpy, irritated, and inflamed skin – the exact opposite of what you want when you’re in a bathing suit. However, this all-natural aloe-based shaving cream from Erika Katz, author of Bonding Over Beauty, is the perfect solution for sensitive summer skin!
You’ll get a smooth, close shave and thanks to the aloe, almond oil, and vitamin E even your most sensitive areas (hello bikini zone!) will be protected against painful, and embarrassing, razor burn.
1/3 cup aloe vera gel
1/4 cup castile soap or hand soap
1 tablespoon almond oil
1/4 cup distilled warm water
1 teaspoon vitamin e oil
5 drops of eucalyptus oil (a natural antiseptic just in case you get a nick or a cut)
Mix all ingredients well and put into a foaming bottle or a clean soap pump dispenser. Lasts up to six months unrefrigerated. Shake well before each use. Rub a generous amount of creamy foam all over the area to be shaved.
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