How to Boost Your Immune System for Covid-19
- Published: Saturday, March 28th 2020
- in Fighting Covid-19

Usually we don’t spend too much time thinking about our immune system. But it’s probably high on your list of things you are thankful for now. Plus, there are a lot of things we can do to give our immunities a boost during the COVID-19 pandemic, from watching what’s going inside our bodies to what we do on the outside as well.
Getting started on boosting your immune system
For an easy-to-understand look at things you can do to help boost your immune system, check out this MEDSimplified animated video. MEDSimplified covers everything from taking a vitamin D supplement to avoiding processed foods to keeping up a good exercise routine.
Keep it low-carb and get an immunity boost
If you are maintaining a low carb or keto diet, you might be feeling the pull of stocking your pantry with high carb, shelf stable options like pasta and bread. Diet Doctor has some helpful tips on how to keep up your low carb lifestyle while stocking up to boost your immune system.
Protect yourself inside and out
For tips on how to protect yourself inside and also on the outside, check out the lovely people from LivingHealthyChicago. You will find advice on how to keep your diet in check and your body as healthy as it can be.
Reminder: Fitness is an important part of maintaining a healthy immune system. However, during the Coronavirus –or any flu season– be sure to practice physical distancing when you exercise.
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