Proper Glove Usage
- Published: Friday, March 27th 2020
- in Fighting Covid-19

As COVID19 continues to wreak havoc on our nation’s health, more health officials are encouraging people to wear gloves when they are outside of their homes. This is especially important for people who are immunocompromised or living with someone who is.
Avoid rips and tears
However, just like any tool, it’s important to use gloves properly to make sure they are the most effective. As shown in the below video, when putting on a pair of gloves, be sure your hands are free of anything that could potentially tear the glove such as rings or a bracelet. Then check the gloves for any rips and tears by closing the end of the glove and trapping a bit of air into the glove like a balloon. If there’s a leak, use another pair of gloves.
Proper removal is important
When removing your gloves, be sure to turn them inside out so you trap all the infectious material inside the glove. Then hold the removed glove in the hand that is still gloved. Use your non-gloved finger to reach inside the glove and turn it inside out (sort of like a biohazard dog poop bag). Dispose of the gloves in your trashcan by bagging them up separately first.
Do you really need gloves?
But also think about whether you truly need to wear gloves in the moment. Hospitals and medical facilities are experiencing a shortage of gloves and masks due to consumer hoarding. Washing your hands regularly, along with not touching your face, seems to safe guard the majority of people from the Coronavirus disease.
And if you are spending a lot of time at home, check out this DIY complexion treatment from celeb-favorite OLEHENRICKSON FACE/BODY SPA in trendy West Hollywood.
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