Get Your Asana On: Yoga Poses for Better Sex
According to a 2009 study by The Journal of Sexual Medicine, yoga benefits women in more ways than giving us a great way to workout and find peace of mind. The study found that regular practice helps to improve a woman’s sex life from increasing libido to finding more pleasure in intimacy. We chatted with Carolina Russ, registered yoga teacher, to discover some yoga poses to try at home with your loved one in order to improve intimacy!
“Yoga postures, when done in pairs, offer all lovers a grounding and loving practice to cultivate trust and depth through the breath and support,”explains Carolina. “Take this time to be in love, to be happy and free.” Here are 4 poses to try together:
“First start back to back with your partner sitting in easy pose or Sucasana. Take a few deep breaths into your heart space, becoming aware of the rise and fall of your breath. When you are ready become sentient to your partners breathing, allow the breath to fall into harmony. Let a sense of relaxation and intimacy wash over.”
“After a couple of minutes (or longer), mindfully turn toward one another, ” instructs Caroline. “Still seated in easy pose, join hands and take a few breaths gazing into each others eyes. This is very difficult for some people. It takes a lot of vulnerability and acceptance to be able to hold the gaze. Keep practicing, keep loving and supporting.
When you are ready to move on, reach your right arm toward your left hip, then reach your left hand for your partners right hand, which should be behind their back. This gentle twist will cleans your internal organs and enrich a gentle sense of trust and balance between the partners. Breathe into the twist, and keep an open line of communication. When you both have had enough on one side, switch to the other. Try to hold both sides of the pose proportionately. Come back to center, close your eyes, breath deeply, and let your body settle. See if you could feel your partner’s energetic body.
After a few breaths blink your eyes open. Grab onto your partners hands and bring the souls of your feet to touch. When both are ready being to push into each others feet and straighten your legs. This pose should bring in a sense of strength and trust. Smile, laugh, and breathe. Have fun with your practice.
Sit back to back with your partner; find bound angle pose by bringing the souls of your feet together and your knees apart. Take a few breaths sitting up right while letting the knees drop out to the sides. After a few breaths take turns leaning back and letting the arms drape over your partners back, while he folds forward. Take a few breaths and switch. This posture is mean to cultivate a sense of encouragement and gentle kindness. Breathe together and push beyond limitations. When you are done, lie down side by side and allow your hands to meet. Close your eyes, fully relax your body from head to toe. Rest for as long as you please.”
Click here for even more yoga poses for romance and intimacy to try solo!