Aspen Spa Day
It’s rare to hit a home run the first time at bat, but that’s what happened at our first Aspen Spa Day. The plan was to add on an extra day to the Aspen Center for Integral Health’s (ACIH) Healthy Gourmet Food Festival in which we have participated for the past two years. This extra day would be called Aspen Spa Day and it was the vision of Sallie Fraenkel, our Spafinder COO.
The idea was to invite a variety of Luxury Spa Finder advertisers to join us as exhibitors in a large white tent in the middle of Aspen on a busy summer weekend – and invite the public to join us for all the spa-related festivities. They would be able to walk through the tent sampling various spa treatments and spa food. It was a match made in heaven, Aspenites (who are affluent, into health and wellness, and love to travel) are the perfect match for our Luxury Spa Finder partners. We were hoping for 1,000 people, but had more than twice that many people, some of whom even flew in from other states. The buzz was so extraordinary that we think the tent needs to be twice as big next year! All the Spa Finder staff who attended (there were 8 of us) are walking around the office today with big smiles and fun stories – and maybe a bit tired from the return trip which got us into New York very late last evening.