The Busy Girl’s Guide to Working Out: Ten Minutes to Sexy Arms!
We all start the day with high hopes of checking off every to-do list item, eating healthy, delicious, and balanced meals, and being sure to get in an awesome workout before the end of the day. Unfortunately, too often, by the time the end of the day sneaks up on us we barely have the time to cook a healthy dinner, let alone work out. Busy Girls (and Guys!) we’re looking at you! It’s time to throw excuses to the wayside and to fit exercise into your hectic schedules!
Thanks to our friends over at Pritikin Longevity Center and Spa in Miami, Florida, we’re sharing a fun and totally do-able resistance training Ten Minute Arms Workout that fits into every busy day!
From Pritikin, “The beauty of resistance exercise is that it doesn’t take that long to do. Compared to the prescription for cardiovascular exercise of 30-90 minutes, most days of the week, resistance exercise is a mere 20-40 minutes, 2-3 times a week, and that includes exercises of the entire body. So, when asked of an effective 10-minute routine for just one body part, the arms for example, I say that’s plenty of time to get the needed exercises in, feel the burn, and get the benefits of increased strength, endurance and muscle tone!”
Perform the following exercises in a circuit format: one set of each exercise and repeat entire circuit series two times. During the first circuit perform 12 repetitions and during the second circuit perform 8 repetitions but with a heavier weight. Use a 2-3 section exercise tempo (ex. 2-3 seconds up and 2-3 seconds down – this will ensure proper form). Be sure to take a 30 second rest in between exercises and a one minute rest at the end of the first circuit.
Exercise 1: Bicep Curls using free-weights or a machine
Exercise 2: Triceps Kick-Back using free weights of a machine
Exercise 3: Bicep Curl with a cable or a band
Exercise 4: Triceps Pull Down with a cable or a band
Exercise 5: Shoulder Lateral Raise using free-weights, machine, cable, or band