Five steps to a Digital Detox and freedom
In a world where we’re wired from the second we wake until we drop off to sleep, it’s that we set some rules to manage our digital co-dependence and detox.
- Avoid email until you reach work. Set specific times to respond to email. If people begin to expect you to answer at all hours, they will email you at all hours. Off hours if absolutely necessary, set an out of office indicating you will respond as soon as possible BUT if it’s imperative provide your number. People will often hesitate to call you for minor matters. This will set healthy boundaries so you can enjoy your “me time” with family, friends or just by yourself.
- Prioritize your health. Instead of turning on the TV and assuming couch potato mode, take a little time to listen to music, read or just talk to others. Go for a walk outside, even if it’s brief so you can breathe in fresh air or in the least go to the gym to prioritize your health.
- Quality time matters. During meals, put the phone away. It will indicate to whomever you’re dining with that your time with them is important. It helps if you let them know you’re placing the phone away to listen to them and make sure that there aren’t any distractions. Soon you’ll notice they do it too.
- Limit your social media consumption or kick the habit altogether. If you are on social media, try limiting your social time or choose one social media channel and just pass along or share to the rest. It will free up some time to connect with real people versus virtual reality.
- Set a time to shut down. Preferably this is a few hours before bedtime. Studies have shown that even our small electronic devices emit sufficient light to miscue the brain and promote wakefulness. Limit and/or shut off electronics in your bedroom to improve sleep.