Harry Potter at the Spa
Right before I left for Rancho La Puerta last week, it was Harry Potter mania around here. The Barnes & Noble near my office had a line around the block with people (many in costume) waiting to get the first copies of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. As I generally do, I wondered if the headlines would relate to spa in any way and wondered if there would be people at “the Ranch” reading the Harry Potter book.
Well, indeed there was a smattering of folks around the pool with their noses in the Potter book. My favorite encounter was with Marty and his daughter Isabel pictured here who each had a copy of the book. He was reading the British version and she was reading the American version. They had enjoyed all of the previous books together beginning with the ones he read to her when she was a child.
But it was Meredith Viera’s interview on the Today Show with the book’s author J.K Rowling and their discussion about the final three words at the end of the book which I found most fascinating and really tied the Harry Potter series and spa together for me.
Indeed, those precious three words were the same ones that moved me so during my visit to the Farm at San Benito in the Philippines. Every spa treatment begins with the three words that ended Harry Potter: “All is well.”