Round-up of Cool Online Fitness/Wellness Gadgets Spas Should Know About
At this year’s Global Spa Summit in Bali, we were treated to several short social networking/technology talks from my favorite tech guru Marc Smith from Connected Action. Marc is the only presenter I know in the technology space who might also make it as a standup comedian! Click here to access a short 10 minute video of Marc on the topic of online health and fitness/wellness gadgets. Skim through the notes Engaging Business via Technology: Sensors – All the Rage! , or check out Marc’s powerpoint presentation.
Marc started off showing us a GSS 2011 Social Network Map. It showed Liz Terry (Managing Director, Leisure Media) as the most connected social networker at the GSS; everyone who had tweeted about GSS was on the map as well.
Marc went on to introduce us to some medical sensors. The following is a list of the ones he thought spas should check out. It’s a handy list that will help you get up-to-date quickly. (Well, as up-to-date as possible for now.) I think it is safe to say the one that got the most buzz was the the sensor you pee on and then it analyzes the effect of your diet and exercise efforts. Have fun exploring!
- Quantified Helps to keep detailed records of your own health and wellness
- You clip the device to yourself, and when you walk by your computer, the data transfers automatically.
- Bodybugg: Uses specialized sensors to track calories burned; manages calories consumed via a web based program; tracks your steps with a built-in pedometer
- Runkeeper: will tweet “Mark has just run 4.5 km”
- Nike + iPod: Tracks how fast you run and socializes this. Gives you encouragement from friends to keep at it, it also satisfies any kind of competitive urge.
- Body media: Keeps track of weight loss activity and encourages you to keep going!
- Zeo headband: You simply sleep with it, and it tracks your sleep cycle.
- Tweet What You Eat: A twitter-based food diary. Use Twitter to track what you eat by ‘tweeting’ food items to your personal food diary on the web.
- Meal Snap: iPhone app that lets you take pictures of your food, and auto-magically get back calorie and caption information.
- Lose It!: iPhone application that helps you to stay on track each day by recording your food and exercise while staying within your budget.
- Ovi: Wellness diary, using the “experience sampling” methodology.
- WellApps: A website full of applications to assist in your quest for wellness.
- BodyKey: Take it to the bathroom and urinate on it; diagnoses you
- GoogleHealth: With a Google Health account, you can store, manage and share all of your health and wellness information in one central place. It’s available from Google at no charge.
- Microsoft Health Vault: Similar to GoogleHealth it is an online health tool and device directory.
- PatientsLikeMe: Helps to connect you with someone else who suffers from your condition; essentially a support system.
- FourSquare badges: Unlocking badges is very motivating to people; they enjoy earning status markers.
My twitter address: @susieellis