Sea Moss; The Ultimate Nutritional Elixir
- Published: Friday, July 1st 2022
- in Health

As health and wellness enthusiasts, we spend a lot of time discussing harmful foods, different diet funnels from keto to paleo to vegan, but we don’t spend enough time discussing foods that will re-energize and remineralize our bodies like sea moss.
It’s not unusual, that since we’ve evolved from the sea, our bodies would benefit greatly from these minerals. After all, who doesn’t feel rejuvenated from an immersive traipse through the saltwater, but sea moss offers us a home grown way to feel this sense of peace and wellness.
What is Sea Moss?
I’m certain you’ve seen it, walked by it and not given it much thought but sea moss comes in all shapes, sizes and color. Sea Moss is a red algae harvested from the ocean that contains 92 of the 102 vitamins and minerals the body needs to function properly.
Benefits of Sea Moss
The benefits of sea moss are especially broad. For me, I looked into it to replenish my iodine deficiency then discovered its great for hair and nails as well. It increases metabolism, makes one more energetic, is alkaline based so it counteracts acidity. If you’re struggling with dehydration, sea moss can help tremendously. Like most alkaline rich foods, it oxygenates the blood when consumed which then hydrates the body.
It’s chocked full of antiviral, antibacterial, anticoagulant, and antimicrobial properties. It’s also high in zinc, and other minerals that support reproductive functions, so move over Maca this supplement increases one’s sex drive as well.
Ways to Cook Sea Moss
There are several ways to access this special elixir. One way is to purchase it and make it yourself and a little sea moss goes a long way. Step one is to order your first batch. Choose from Irish Sea Moss or a selection of Caribbean options. Aruba, Jamaica and even Belize has tasty options. Once you receive your batch, boil some water, rinse a handful and set it to cook. Normally it takes between 20-25 minutes. At first you can actually see the bits of sea moss but those disintegrate to become part of the blend. Once most if not all have disintegrated, remove the pan from the stove, let cool and package in glass tupperware. Place it in the refrigerator and wait 24 hours so that it forms into a cool gel.
How to Use Sea Moss
To consume orally, mix sea moss with your protein shake in the morning or use it as part of your broths. It’s very versatile, does not have an overly powerful taste to it and blends well with other flavors. Some people tend to cook with it as well in substitution of or in addition to coconut oil.
Sea Moss for Hair and Skin
Sea moss is especially great for hair and skin. Either alone or blended with avocado, a sea moss mix hydrates dry hair and dry skin. Make sure to really blend it into your hair and leave on for 20 minutes. Your hair will feel luxurious and shiny. Like coconut oil, this is a treatment you can try 3 times a week depending on how brittle and dry your strands are. Some people even leave this on overnight as part of their bedtime ritual.
Want to have a bath? Well add a little sea moss and just immerse yourself in this concoction for 10 minutes or so. Soothing and hydrating this is a great mind body connection.
For now sea moss has not been integrated in any spa treatments that I’m aware of but I do foresee this in the horizon. Earmark this as a trend because it will be happening soon.