Quick Meditation Opportunities For Wherever You Find Yourself
May is National Meditation Month, and to celebrate, we tapped into the wellness knowledge flowing out the Carillon Miami Beach. The property is nodding the mindful month with a calendar of free beachside and guided meditation sessions. If you’re in Miami Beach, be sure to drop by. For those that aren’t, Mindy Terry, Executive Vice President of Spas, has rounded up some daily meditation solutions for wherever you find yourself.
At the office: Silence your phone, minimize your desktop, and close your door. Sit in a comfortable spot, close your eye, and slowly inhale and exhale for 10 minutes.
With your headphones: Pick your favorite classical music or nature sounds (forest trail with birdsong sounds, beach with ocean waves sounds, rainforest with rain sounds, etc.) If you’re home, lie down and close your eyes. If you’re riding on your commute, give yourself a moment to close your eyes. Imagine you are in the environment you hear for 10 minutes.
Outdoors or in nature: Sit on the beach, by the water, or in a park. Tune into the sounds and smells surrounding you. With eyes open, match your breathing to the ebb and flow of the sounds and sights. Try to keep rhythm for five minutes. Do this daily, extending time slowly until you can sit undistracted for 20 minutes.