7 Habits for a Healthier, Happier You – Take the Wellness Week Pledge
- Published: Monday, February 13th 2012
- in Mindset

The Pledge: I pledge to take charge of my health by taking these simple yet vital steps toward a happier and healthier life. By committing to achieve at least one of these activities each day of Wellness Week™, I will make taking care of myself a priority, enabling me to do more, stay healthy and live a longer, more vibrant and meaningful life.
I pledge to:
Change my breakfast: I will kick off my day with a healthy meal that includes foods like oatmeal, yogurt, fruit, seeds, nuts and whole-grain cereals and toast.
Choose to move: I will walk more by taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking further from the store or taking a desk break to go for a five-minute stroll.
Hydrate: I will drink a glass of water before breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Connect with nature: I will walk outside, breathe more deeply and enjoy the outdoors for a few minutes each day.
Make my sleep a priority: I will build boundaries around my sleep by sticking to a set bedtime, and by not eating or working in bed.
Embrace the power of touch: I will recharge myself and others through the simple act of giving or receiving a hug, foot rub or five-minute massage.