Spiritual Health; Pope Francis commissions Global Wellness Institute for Guidance in Wellness.
- Published: Thursday, May 14th 2020
- in Wellness
We are excited at the present conversation between the Vatican and the Global Wellness Institute (GWI) in re-imagining a healthier ecosystem for our world. We can no longer solely focus on religion and mankind without looking at the three pillars; mental, physical and spiritual health.
Global Wellness; One People

In the wake of Covid-19, organized religion pivots its focus towards inclusion versus exclusion.
The Human Fraternity
The Global Compact on Education is an initiative, promoted by the Vatican and by Pope Francis. The Pope has invited leaders of world religions, international and humanitarian organizations to commit to shape the future of humanity. This invitation urges the formation of mature individuals who can overcome division and care for the planet.*
On May 14, 2020, the Pope issued an invitation to the Vatican. The Pope issued the invitation in a message in September 2019.
“Never before has there been such need to unite our efforts in a broad educational alliance, to form mature individuals capable of overcoming division and antagonism, and to restore the fabric of relationships for the sake of a more fraternal humanity.”*
A Vatican Initiative
The future of health and wellness is a key pillar of the Vatican initiative (in addition to ecology, economics and public security. That being said the GWI was selected to provide a series of eight white papers proposing how a holistic concept of wellness could transform human life, including our workplaces, our built environment and our mental wellbeing.**
Literature available now
Eight papers will be published; three are available now.
- A New Vision for a Post COVID-19-Future. This paper summarizes the key concepts and practices of wellness. It also outlines how wellness can provide a roadmap for healing and growth as the world emerges from the pandemic. This breakdown largely calls out modern society for providing ‘sick-care’ in the stead of health care, and it focuses on the growing status of mental health, loneliness.
- Healthy Built Environments for Healthy-People. This paper describes how our built environment can cause disease. Additionally, it reviews the roles that communities, businesses and governments can play in building healthier homes and communities for healthier people. This breakdown urges spatial reconfiguration, re-ideation to healthy indoor air and the permeating issue of pollution.
- Work, Health and Dignity. This paper spotlights how work conditions exposed by COVID-19 can spark a radical change to bring health and dignity back to our working lives and workplaces. This breakdown urges government and business to reconsider current practices and place people before profit. It champions a conversation long overdue of the critical role purpose resides in the workplace and the salary disparities that create economic mental stress experienced by the masses.
In the coming weeks, GWI will release five additional white papers on the following topics: mental wellness, social wellness and community, physical movement, food and nourishment, and travel and wonder.
For more information regarding these white papers, visit the Global Wellness Institute.
*The Vatican News: https://www.vaticannews.va/en/vatican-city/news/2020-02/global-compact-education-vatican-seminar.html
**Global Wellness Institute
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