Magnesium Wellness Benefits
So the latest buzzword in the health industry is that Magnesium has several wellness benefits. So what do we know about Magnesium?
Fit and Healthy starts today. Activity comes in many shapes and sizes. Embrace movement, get your blood flowing, breathe in nature and simply explore the outdoors. Spa breaks combine the relaxation and tranquillity of a wellness retreat with an active element, such as yoga, zip-lining, Pilates, hiking and more. You’ll feel relaxed, energized, fit and strong.
So the latest buzzword in the health industry is that Magnesium has several wellness benefits. So what do we know about Magnesium?
Experience Miami’s Spa Month and Wellness Month this August!
There are several ways to look at the menopause. In many cases, women look towards their doctors for treatment. Typically doctors prescribe medication so women can cope with the symptoms like hot flashes, dizziness, vaginal dryness etc. The treatments tend to lean into treating symptoms instead of better identifying the root cause, provide an assessment and a program to diminish or reverse menopausal symptoms.
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